Thursday, May 13, 2010


Laura and I propped the trailer up against the pole for the laundry line to make it easier to get under it to paint. I gave it a quick once-over with the wire brush on the drill to get rid of chipped paint and other crud stuck to the frame before we carried on with the paint. I'm not too worried about getting a really nice finish on the trailer, so I didn't go too overboard with the prep work. I masked off the wheels, lights, and the wires going to the taillights, because I think they'd look silly painted silver.

We then laid down another coat of primer (over the coat that was already covering the visible parts of the trailer), then two coats of silver-ish, semi-glossy paint, getting it right up into all the nooks and crannies in the undercarriage. It should now match my car somewhat. Not that I planned it that way, it was just the best colour that princess auto had to offer.

Total Costs:

Last total: $143
4 Cans of spray paint: $6/ea
Masking tape: $5
Subt: $29
TOTAL: $172

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