Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Deck

The trailer now has a deck! As soon as the paint was dry to the touch I went back out and installed the deck. I used 6 1/4" carriage bolts with washers, one on each corner and two along the centre line (through the beam that the tongue is bolted into). These were the only decent locations to bolt to, since most of the widthwise crossmembers are about 1/4" below the level of the deck, and I didn't feel like sticking shims in. I'm fairly confident that the 6 bolts will hold the deck on just fine.

So there's phase one finished. It went from a rotten old tent trailer that no one thought was any good, to a pretty dang nice looking light utility trailer in 5 days. I started working on it at about 2PM on Sunday, and during the week it was solely evenings, so this could easily be done in a weekend if you had the tools and parts at hand. And it only cost me...

Total Cost:

Last total: $172
5/8" Pressure Treated Plywood Sheet: $55
Hardware: ~$4
Subt: $59
Total: $231
With taxes that comes to around..


I just checked kijiji and ebrandon, and there are homemade trailers on there that look like scrap bits thrown together by a poorly-trained ape, which are selling for almost twice that.

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